

Follow us in last activities of INCA

Communications & presentation skills

On 4-5 April 2012, a training seminar on “Communications & presentation skills” was held at INCA premises The scope of this training was to develop communication skills that are necessary...

Freshwater ecosystem, dams’ impact, and sustainable hydropower

On 2-3 April 2012, INCA organized the national workshop on “Freshwater ecosystem, dams’ impact, and sustainable hydropower”. The WWF Mediterranean Programme is engaged to promote a sustainable...
Sustaining rural communities and their Traditional Landscapes

Sustaining rural communities and their Traditional Landscapes

In the frame of the project “Sustaining rural communities and their Traditional Landscapes through strengthening environmental governance in trans-boundary protected areas of the Dinaric Arc”,...

Protected landscape of terrestrial and aquatic Buna River

On February 22-24, was held in Dajçi commune of Shkodra, the second local meeting to introduce the details of the project implementation plan and objectives for the preparation of comprehensive...

The NGO-s Forum on Anti-Corruption

The joint project of Council of Europe and European Union against corruption in Albania, be organized on February 20, 2012. The NGO-s Forum on Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2011-2013 of the...

Plan for the Buna/Bojana Delta

On 1-2 February, Dr. Z. Dedej as local coordinator and four experts, participate in the a meeting held in Podgorica with the Montenegrin experts working for the development of the Integrated Water...

Rruga Islam Alla, Pallati IVEA, Kat I, Tirana, Albania

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