Hotspot Map: A Call to Action for the Shkumbin River
Beyond Plastic Med - BeMed
The hotspot map showing reported levels of waste in the Shkumbin river presents a significant variability in the...
Meetings with herders in the Maqellare area within the framework of the project "Sustainable Grazing for the Preservation of Vital Grasslands Ecosystems"
Beneath the beauty and tranquility...
"Coordinated Actions to Save Shkumbin from Plastic Pollution"
The large amounts of waste collected along the riverbanks clearly show that we must take urgent and strong measures. From the...
As part of the project: "Sustainable Grazing for the Preservation of Vital Grasslands Ecosystems," funded by Best Belt, work has begun on Building a Network of local users (shepherds,...
Is plastic pollution prevented in Albania and how is it managed?
Plastic production , consumption, and waste is expanding exponentially, affecting marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems and...
Act Now for a Plastic-Free Future: Join us in reducing plastic waste to protect our rivers.
In the frame of the BeMed + project, the plastic pollution mapping of the Shkumbin River has been...