Public information campaign on sustainable building hydropower plants in Albania
In the framework of a WWF funded project "Public information campaign on sustainable building power plants in Albania - second phase” focused on Osumi and Devoll Rivers, a team of experts from impelementing organisations INCA (Institute for the Conservation of Nature Albania), EkoMovement, Nature Berat, PPNEA (Conservation Association and Protection of the Natural Environment in Albania) and Eden Center, organised a meeting with the community of the City of Gramsh in order to raise awarenes regarding the sustainable building of hidropower plants.
This city was selected because it is located near Devolli River on which three power plants are planned to be constructed and started the construction phase.
The increased sensitivity of the public in the efected areas regarding this subject, led the team towards the organisation of an interactive communication with the communities facilitated through a questionnaire formulated and agreed by the organizations. The work will continue in other areas near the Devolli river.