Third Meeting of the Network for the Protection of Nature
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Tirana – 14 December 2017 - The third coordinating meeting of the Network for the Nature Protection took place at INCA premises. The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the work plan, the progress of the activities over the next two months, as well as discuss the activities of the Network in the future.
Addressing the problems faced by the PA and the promotion of values in these areas through the civil society and local communities voices will be the main focus of this project. overall objective of this project is to contribute to the sustainable management of PA by strengthening the role and active participation of Environmental Civil Society Organizations.
Project's performance and completion measures have been presented and discussed in the meeting including the presentation of the schemes for the final report and the map visualization of the negative impacts identified in the study for the Protected Areas by the GIS expert.
This meeting is held under the project "Promoting and Addressing the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Natural Resources in Protected Areas", part of the SENiOR-II Albania (Senior Albania) program, implemented by REC Albania, funded by the Swedish Government (Embassy of Sweden in Tirana).