Awareness campaign on biodiversity values
In the frame of the project “Conservation of Agro biodiversity in Rural Areas of Albania” (CABRA), implemented by GIZ, on 10-th and 13-th October, are developed education sessions with school children in Communes of Lekbibaj and Shkrel, in collaboration with Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania, on biodiversity values and sustainable development in their areas.
These special sessions are developed in two different target groups, children of 9-10 years old and 12-13 years old. The aim of the meeting was raising knowledge and awareness on values of the area and also for the touristic and agriculture potential they offer. Some short presentations, films and games are dedicated. Films were a summary of previous knowledge and also of new knowledge, containing messages of global environmental campaigns like sustainable development, importance of specie distinction etc. These special sessions treated some concepts like: biodiversity, food chain, sustainable development. In program for children of 12-13 years was also painting on the concept of sustainable development in their village.