National Biodiversity Monitoring Process and the Role of Academic / Scientific Community
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Tirana, 30 November 2017 - INCA organized in Tirana ameetingregarding the "National Biodiversity Monitoring Process and the Role of Academic / Scientific Community". Thiseventwasorganized in cooperationwith the GIZ, in the frame of the project “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity at Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar Lakes” (CSBL).
The purpose of the meeting was to present the entire launched process for the establishment of the Biodiversity Monitoring System by the National Protection Agency known as NAPA-WiMS and BIONNA. The meeting aimedat proposingideas for involving the scientific academic community in using this system as a standard tool for data collection in biodiversity monitoring, to unify the way of collecting and processing these data on a common basis with that of NAPA and MoTE.
The meetingaimedat promoting the mainresults of the monitoring systems, providing the finding and proposing of ways to incorporate the scientific academic community's contribution to this process as a necessary and important part of the actors of the national institutional framework. It served as an assembly of discussions and debates focusing on institutionalizing the role and contribution of the scientific community through the use of standard methodologies and formats, which should be defined by MTM as legal obligations for the realization of SiMF, BIONNA or other standardized means of biodiversity monitoring.