Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean
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Maroc, 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2016 - Every 4 years, the Forum of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean triggers a unique process during which managers, policy makers, socio-economic actors, civil society and the scientific community tackle, at all levels, the challenges of MPA’s development. The 2016 edition of the Forum, which is taking place on 28th November-1st December, is a key milestone in view of the 2020 deadline of the Convention on Biological Diversity targets.
This event will assess the progress made and what’s left ahead according to the MPA roadmap developed in 2012 Forum in Turkey.
Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania is also participating actively in this Forum as part of the community working and contributing in MPA conservation in the Mediterranean. On 27-28th November, during the General Assembly and the Steering Committee meeting, future steps and opportunities have been discussed for the further development of Costal and Marine Protected Areas in Albania.