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Creation and management of the Nature2000 network in Albania
The path towards integration and membership in the EU burdens Albania with the obligation to identify and protect its natural heritage of high conservation interest for the European Union, by defining, announcing and protecting a network of specially protected areas known as the Nature 2000 Network. The aim of sites of Nature 2000 is to ensure the long-term survival of species and habitats according to the definitions of two European directives, namely the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive.
In framework of the project "Empowerment of Albanian NGOs to support the creation and management of the Nature 2000 network in Albania / Protection of Biodiversity", financed by the Green-AL program, was organized in the Elbasan region, on 27.07.2022, in Vlora region on 03.08.2022 and in Shkodra rgion on 05.08.2022, the meeting of environmental associations and interest groups in order to negotiate the inclusion and engagement of active CSOs from the region in the Network of Organizations for Nature 2000 sites in Albania. The meeting gave the opportunity to interested organizations to consult and discuss a cooperation agreement, which will define the mode of operation of the network in support of capacity building, information and activation in consultation, participation and advocacy campaigns for the process of identification and declaration of Nature 2000 sites with public participation.
This activity has been organized in the framework of Green-AL, a project funded by the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency (SIDA) with funds from the Swedish Government and implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development in collaboration with CISP Sviluppo dei Popoli , VIS Albania and COSV - Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo.
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