The Forest Service have been trained to work with the media
Tirana 7 May 2014
15 national parks in Albania begin preparations of their promotional materials.
23 practitioners of Albanian Forest Service have been trained to work with community and local media for the preservation of protected areas.
Just two months after the first training on the development of basic communication skills, WWF- Parks Dinarides project organized the second training on Communication with 23 specialists and managers from 17 protected areas of Albania. This time, training program was focused on preparation of promotional materials for each Albanian national park and building effective collaboration with local media in order to influence the preservation of protected areas heritage. Communication training took place in Tirana on 7 and 8 May, 2014. It was conceived as a practical workshop which enables park staff to build a dialogue with local Media and to prepare a leaflet with existing information for promotion of their park. The experts of WWF Mediterranean introduced the specialists of Forest Service with various techniques for delivering their messages, methods for preparing leaflets or other promotional materials, most effective ways to collaborate with local media for reaching out conservation messages. At the conclusion of these two training modules, Albanian managers of protected areas are able to organize meetings with the media, to prepare a leaflet with basic information or lead a group of visitors to discover natural resources and precious heritage of their parks.
One of the participants, Mr. Pjeter Toni who works for management of natural reserve Kune - Vain - Tale in district of Lezha said - "This kind of practical workshops for communication is very useful for PA staff which has a specific job profile, as forest engineers or biologists. After training they will see the park from a different perspective and so they will have better results in their daily work with the community, visitors and the media".
The coming month, June 2014 brings a loaded agenda for Dinaric Parks Albania. A part from a conference at the national level, during this month it will be published a promotional brochure in both Albanian and English language, for 15 national parks as touristic destinations of Albania. In addition, specific leaflets for raising awareness of local communities living in national parks it will be printed. WWF Dinaric Parks is a project committed to the preservation and promotion of a regional network of 80 National Parks in Albania implemented by WWF Mediterranean and INCA (Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania.)