Public information campaign on sustainable building hydropower plants in Albania
Five environmental NGOs in Albania: EDEN, Ekolevizja, INCA, PPNEA and Natyra Berat, were involved during the period May- November 2013 in a joined awareness campaign supported by WWF on the “planned construction of hydropower plants on the Devolli and Osumi rivers" .
The main goal of the project was to increase the level of awareness of the community and other stakeholders about the detrimental effects that can bring numerous hydropower constructions in Albania. A special part of the campaign was dedicated to awareness activities oriented towards the communities living near the Osumi canyons in Corovoda in order to maintain the unique and exceptional natural values of the area and for the whole country. Questionnaires have been prepared for three different districts along Devolli River, near which are scheduled three hydro powers. The purpose of these questionnaires was to find out the level of community involvement in decision making for the construction of such works with high impact for the environment where they live.