Green Schools
Early November marked the end of the implementation phase of the Green Schools Program, a mini grants fund jointly supported by UNICEF and AMC Telephony Company in order to keep a healthy environment around schools and fit for children lifes and the communities.
The overall aim of the program is for schools to increase awareness of the importance of biodiversity and for students to understand its impact on our everyday lives. This has been achieved through improving or preserving local biodiversity by increasing green spaces.
8 mini projects started their implementation in May 2013 in different regions of Albania. Teachers and students from the winning schools worked together in cleaning and adjusting their own school yard and the environment around it, arranging green spaces and gardens, placement of new benches, replacement of existing blackboards with whiteboards, etc. These activities have been accompanied by other social activities such as colorful shows and festivities marking environmental dates, drawings competitions etc, bringing without doubts lots of goy and happiness. Now students have also greater respect for the natural environment and take care of it even outside the school.