International Earth Day 2012
On the occasion of International Earth Day 2012, with the support of the U.S. Embassy inTirana, the Austrian Embassy in Tirana, Tirana Municipality and MoEFWA, organized the activity "To mobilize the Earth - Citizen Feedback through art!”.
INCA was present in this important event as a member of Ecological Fair organized in this context. In its panel, INCA exposed and distributed leaflets, brochures and books to all interested visitors, focusing on the identification of natural and environmental values of Albania as well as on environmental education to children. INCA’s panel was attended by distinguished visitors like the U.S. Ambassador in Tirana, Mr. Alexander ARVIZU, as well as the Mayor of Tirana Mr. Lulzim BASHA, who showed interest on the publications and the work carried out by INCA through its projects and volunteering initiatives.