Closing Event / Sustainable Economic Activities in Mediterranean MPA
On 03-rd February 2017, was organized in Vlora, the closure event of the project “Sustainable Economic Activities in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, Karaburun-Sazan MPA. The project has been implemented since 2013 by the Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania with the support of Critical Ecosytem Partnership Found – CEPF.
The event hosted all partners and collaborators of the project, representatives from the national and local government, local non-profit organisations and local tourism operators (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Tourism, UNDP, National Agency of Protected Areas, County Council, Vlora Municipality, Orikum Administrative Unit, Regional Administrate of Protected Areas Vlora, Vlora University, local organisations, ECSOs etc).
The event aimed at bringing into attention among main partners, the achievements, mayor projects activities, challenges and future prospects. During the evening there was a short session, where each partner was able to share the experience of his / her project, the key benefits and challenges for the future. The event was closed with a photographic exhibition which has captured some key moments of projects activities. It was accompanied with the performance of traditional singing and dancing groups from Dukat and Orikum.