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Movies and photos from the Blue Land area in Porto Palermo
A look through photos and videos of details that bring in a unique view the natural, cultural and socio-economic values of the Porto Palermo area, a selected area to co-manage with the local community to preserve these values and to develop they steadily.
Photo and video setups were realized within the Blue Land project in the Porto Palermo area on 27-30 June 2019.
BLUE LAND project is funded by Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro and implemented jointly by CIHEAM Bari, National Agency for Protected Areas-AKZM (Albania), INCA Albania, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro, University Montenegro - Institute of Marine Biology, Cooperation Research Institute - ICR, in partnership with AICS Tirana and the Department of Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Development in the Puglia Region.