Parent Category: INCA
Hits: 919
Meeting local actors in Porto Palermo
Meeting local actors in Porto Palermo, organized by INCA technical staff to discuss the ecosystem services the area offers, to share objectives and identify priorities for the area in order to define this area as a land area Blue where we will apply the model of co-management of marine and coastal areas with the participation of the local community.
The meeting was organized under the Blue Land project from INCA, with biologists and forestry engineers.
BLUE LAND project is funded by Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro and implemented jointly by CIHEAM Bari, National Agency for Protected Areas-AKZM (Albania), INCA Albania, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro, University Montenegro - Institute of Marine Biology, Cooperation Research Institute - ICR, in partnership with AICS Tirana and the Department of Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Development in the Puglia Region.
BLUE LAND project is funded by Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro and implemented jointly by CIHEAM Bari, National Agency for Protected Areas-AKZM (Albania), INCA Albania, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro, University Montenegro - Institute of Marine Biology, Cooperation Research Institute - ICR, in partnership with AICS Tirana and the Department of Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Development in the Puglia Region.