Towards the finalization of the Nomination Form for the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Skadar Lake
On the occasion of the International Earth Day, the Institute for Nature Conservation in Albanian (INCA) in cooperation with its local partner in Shkodra city Transboundary forum for Shkodra Lake (TFSL) organized and host a meeting to present the ongoing process “Towards the finalization of the Nomination Form for the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Skadar Lake”.
The meeting will be held on 22 April 2013, time 10:30; at the premises of EU Info Centre in Shkodra city. Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania (INCA) together the Green Home (GH) in Montenegro with the support of the UNESCO Grants, have started the work to develop and finalize the preparation of the Nomination Form for the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, and its submission. This initiative continues to be an ongoing Albanian-Montenegro cross-border cooperation started from 2009, initially financed one year before in the frame of IPA crossborder Programme Albania –Montenegro (2007-2013)” through the project “Supporting the proposed Trans-boundary Biosphere Reserve of Lake Shkodra/Skadar area through a participatory approach”. In the end of this project and its results it was concluded that there’s a need to finalize the preparation of the Nomination Form for the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, and its endorsement from the institutions concerned.
For the realization of the following process, the final phase of this initiative, INCA and GH are currently working with the support of UNESCO Office in Venice as well as with an international expert, Mr. Giorgio Andrian, to ensure the continuity and success of the process, beyond the finalization of the Nomination Form. In this final phase is anticipated that all activities will be organized in close cooperation with local and national authorities (Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration, Municipality of Shkoder and Koplik, other communes, etc.) and in close cooperation with the National Commission for UNESO in Albania and Montenegro.
The scope of the meeting will be to make a presentation regarding all activities and results achieved till now in this process and the needed steps ahead to be undertaken. It will be focused on information and comprehensive cooperation with Local Government, environmental NGOs and other local stakeholders in the Shkodra city. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, representatives of the UNESCO Secretariat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of Shkodra Prefecture, representatives Municipality of Shkodra and Koplik, experts in the field etc.