Hits: 306
Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides en Méditerranée
(Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides en Méditerranée
INCA is at the Tour du Valat, where Civil Society (#CivilSociety) Organizations from the South and East of the Mediterranean are united to kick off the PROZHUM (#PROZHUM) project!
The PROZHUM (Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides (#ZonesHumides) en Méditerranée (#MediterraneanWetlands) project aims to strengthen the capacities and impact of CSOs in the southern and eastern Mediterranean via a program of large-, small- and micro-scale wetland conservation (#WetlandConservation) and restoration (#WetlandRestoration) projects. After sharing experiences in developing and implementing wetland projects partners are ready to start the first round of PROZHUM activities!
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