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Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides en Méditerranée

Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides en Méditerranée

(Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides en Méditerranée

INCA is at the Tour du Valat, where Civil Society (#CivilSociety) Organizations from the South and East of the Mediterranean are united to kick off the PROZHUM (#PROZHUM) project!
The PROZHUM (Protection et Restauration des Zones Humides (#ZonesHumides) en Méditerranée (#MediterraneanWetlands) project aims to strengthen the capacities and impact of CSOs in the southern and eastern Mediterranean via a program of large-, small- and micro-scale wetland conservation (#WetlandConservation) and restoration (#WetlandRestoration) projects. After sharing experiences in developing and implementing wetland projects partners are ready to start the first round of PROZHUM activities!



Rruga Islam Alla, Pallati IVEA, Kat I, Tirana, Albania

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