GREEN 27 – the Albanian NGO coalition on board of the regional initiative
Towards an articulated voice for EU negotiations
All countries in the Western Balkans are looking at EU integration as the common horizon of the future. Despite the efforts made so far, the NGO community remains critical on the progress, especially related to the transposition and the implementation of Chapter 27.
More than 33 NGO participants of all Western Balkan countries, which are engaged or interested to work in advocacy for impacting the country negotiation processes with the EU, got together on Dec, 15, 2020, sharing the same interest on the topic. The four core partner organizations of Green 27+ took part actively in the event, sharing their first-year experiences and challenges of the NGO engagement process in Albania.
The same prospective is highlighted by all participants on the regional networking for stronger impact at the regional level, as well as for sharing experiences among coalitions, especially of those with several years of engagement in the negotiation process. Topics of regional importance such as Climate Change, Energy, Green Deal, as well as cross border environmental concerns on biodiversity and nature protection, pollution prevention, etc. are listed among areas for regional cooperation for the environmental NGO sector.