Civil Society Acts for Environmentally Sound Socio-Economic Development
Declining natural resources, loss of biodiversity and climate change seriously threaten the environmental conditions necessary for human existence and the foundations of our economic prosperity. All these problems stem from the overuse of natural resources, which can be remedied if we follow sustainable development principles when planning the use of natural assets. Sustainable development, in addition to better management of natural resources, would add to inclusive and participatory decision making, and democratization of society.
Within this context, the Action titled “Civil Society Acts for Environmentally Sound Socio-Economic Development” aims to contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources through improved regulatory framework and more participatory and transparent decision-making processes, which involve a vibrant group of civil society organizations and increased attention of the media on the topic, with benefits for society at large.
The Action has officially started in February 2016 and has duration of 36 months. It involves five nongovernmental organizations responsible to implement this Action in five beneficiary countries; namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. WWF Adria from Croatia will have an advisory role in the project.
Specific objective - by the end of the Action civil society organizations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey are engaged as equal stakeholders with Public authorities and Professional companies in their national processes of legislative revisions and decision-making on Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) through inter alia increased media attention.
Achievement of this objective will be built on successfully implementing the four expected results aimed at:
1. Capacity building
2. Legislative improvement
3. Active participation
4. Awareness raising
Target groups
- Civil society organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey
- Public authorities responsible for SEA's and EIAs.
- Professional companies certified to prepare SEAs and EIAs
- Media - a cross section of national and local media from each of the five countries that cover topics such as environmental issues, economic development, and transparent decision making.