Effective advocacy and lobbying to impact nature protection policies
Albania has a high biological potential and diversity, but it is suffering huge damages which in many cases are irreversible. The sustainable management of natural resources in Albania has not yet been properly integrated into national and local policies. Environmental Civil Society Organizations (ECSOs should play an active and effective role in the planning and implementation of nature conservation measures and engagement of other stakeholders for coherent decision-making. However, to be truly involved in drafting nature conservation policies, ECSOs should further increase their capacities and resources.
The Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania (INCA) in cooperation with the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) is implementing the project "Empowering Civil Society Organizations to Promote Nature Conservation in Albania", funded by the European Commission under the "Support to the Capacities of Civil Society Organizations" program.
The project is targeting not only environmental civil society organizations, but also media representatives and relevant authorities on nature conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and management of protected areas (PA) at all levels of government.
The project aims to enhance capacities of ECSOs to get better involved in advocacy and lobbying and better response to biodiversity and nature conservation issues at local and national level, by increasing their pressure and participation in the sustainable governance of natural resources.
So far, the project has developed a practical guide on advocacy and lobbing based largely on best practices from the region, including examples from Albanian as well. The guide combines various communication, advocacy and lobbying tools addressing issues related to active participation of ECSOs and local communities in various decision-making forums. These tools enable the development of a more effective advocacy and lobbying strategy. The guide encourage peer learning for ECSOs and their partners to improve their advocacy and lobbying efforts for an appropriate and effective pressure on decision-makers, including the development and implementation of nature conservation policies,
On April 25th, 2019, the project organised the first National Training "Effective Advocacy- Lobbying to Impact Nature Conservation Policies". The training served as a communication forum for ECSOs and other stakeholders to discuss networking benefits, appropriate advocacy-lobbying design, and how to enhance the role and empower local ECSOs in ensuring no negative impacts on the management of natural resources and protected areas.