CO-SEED Network meeting in Montenegro

CO-SEED Network meeting in Montenegro

Podgorica 15/16/May - The two-day meeting of CSOs network, which was formed within the framework of the project "Civil society acts for environmentally sound socio-economic development (CO – SEED)", and is supported by the EU.

More then 30 members of CSOs from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Turkey and Montenegro presented their activities related to CO SEED project objectives, speciffically to improve the legislative framework related to the Enviromantal impact studies (EIA/SEA) .One of the main meeting outcome is creation of a detailed action plan intended to achieve this goal in region. A road map for improvment of legislative frameworks.

For more information : CO-SEED policy recommendations Turkey


Rruga Islam Alla, Pallati IVEA, Kat I, Tirana, Albania

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